The Privacy Engineering and Policy-Aligned Systems Group at Paris Lodron University Salzburg (PEPSys @ PLUS), led by Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Pallas, was established in April 2024 as part of a larger initiative to foster Excellence in Digital Sciences and Interdisciplinary Technologies within the faculty of Digital and Analytical Sciences.

Our overall mission is to build bridges between the design and engineering of cutting-edge enterprise- and society-grade systems on the one and the legal and policy-related aspects shaping such systems on the other hand. Originally rooted in the domain of Privacy Engineering and currently heading out towards further areas of particular societal relevance, we design and prototypically implement novel approaches for aligning real-world systems with actual legal and policy-related givens. Besides, we also work towards a proper understanding of technical concepts and givens in the regulatory discourse. For a more comprehensive depiction, see our research statement and our projects section.

Our group members’ competencies and research activities are shaped by a unique combinination of technical and policy-related aspects, leading to perspectives and contributions that consciously break disciplinary boundaries. For more information, see the individual member profiles as well as our various publications in technical and non-technical outlets.

For always up-to-date activities of the PEPSys group, see what’s going on via Twitter / X (#PEPSys) or Linkedin (#PEPSys).